
Saturday, February 04, 2006

Report Cards...............Ugh!

I absolutely hate this time of cards. I hate filling them in by hand because the Archdiocese of NY has yet to make my life easy by opting for a computer generated report card. I have to fill everything in by hand, pressing down firmly so that it comes out in quadruplet. Isn't that annoying?
The day is a horrible one, with rain and wind....I guess I might as well be doing report cards, right? Still, I can't help but envy all my friends who aren't teachers on weekends like this. Actually, I envy them alsmost everday!lol At least they don't have to take work home with them.

Thursday, February 02, 2006 what?!

Well, let's that I've decided to start up a blog, I guess I'll have to come up with things to say. This might be a problem......although I usually have a lot of thoughts (hence the title of my blog....pensieri), I have a hard time putting them down into words. I guess this will be a challenge for me. I hope anyone out there reading this blog has advice for me.

Let's see....a little about me. I am a Bronx native, educated in the borough and still residing there. I am a thirty year old Catholic schoolteacher...married.....and pretty happy. I enjoy reading, shopping, and watching tv. I struggle with my patience level and unfortunately, weight. I am seriously thinking about rejoining Weight Watchers, maybe this Saturday. Right now, I am exhausted and think I will stop writing.